The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, directed by Rachelle Eves
This play tells the story of Annie Sullivan and her blind and deaf student, Helen Keller. Trapped in a secret, silent world, unable to communicate, Helen is violent and spoiled by her family. Only Annie realizes that there is a mind and spirit waiting to be rescued from the dark, tortured silence.
(*major roles)
5 Women
*Annie Sullivan, teacher of Helen (character age between 18 – 25)
*Kate Keller, mother of Helen (30 – 45)
Aunt Ev, aunt of Helen (45+)
Viney, housekeeper/nanny (35 – 60)
A servant (30 – 40)
5 Girls
*Helen Keller (8 – 12)
Martha, a playmate of Helen (8 – 12)
3 blind girls at Annie’s school (8 – 12)
4 Men
*Captain Keller, father of Helen (55+)
*James Keller, stepbrother of Helen (18 – 25)
Dr. Anagnos, Annie’s teacher and mentor (40+)
A Doctor, the Kellers’ family physician (40+)
2 Boys
Percy, a playmate of Helen
Jimmie, the young brother of Annie
(Old Town Hall, downstairs, 478 Main Street, Winchester)
Closed auditions for adult roles will be held Wednesday, October 23 from 6pm to 9pm, Friday, October 25 (note, this is a change from Thursday) from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday, October 26 from noon to 4:30pm. A group audition for child roles will be held Sunday, October 27.
Contact the Stage Manager, Moira Law, to arrange your audition time at drama(at)moiralaw(dot)ca.
Rehearsals will start on January 4, 2014. Performance dates are May 2, 3 and 4 and May 9, 10 and 11, 2014.