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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
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<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
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Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
Appx 1 part 8 Item A:  PRODUCER

The plays Producer is charged with the successful presentation of the play. He oversees all elements of the production and is responsible for bringing together all of the elements of the performance. In general, these elements are: the audience, the cast, and the theatrical setting. The Producers responsibility ends once the post production report is tabled

Reports To
" Dundas County Players Executive_Committee

Although the list of responsibilities for the Producer is extensive, it is assumed that many of the tasks will be delegated to other members of the group. This delegation, however, does not transfer the responsibility for the successful completion of the task.  It is the producers responsibility to determine which tasks are large enough to require a department.

" Budget/Finance: The producer sets the budget for the play with input from the departments. The budget is then presented to the Executive Committee for approval. The producer collects all proceeds from each performance from the Front of House and remits it to the treasurer.
" Rights: The Producer must acquire the rights for performing the play and must purchase as many copies of the script as needed, including one copy for DCP library.
" Venue: The Producer is responsible for booking the venue for the rehearsal and presentation of the performance.
" Programs: Overseeing the production and distribution of the programs are the responsibility of the Producer. He should, however, consult with the Director concerning the look and feel of the program to ensure continuity with the production.
" Tickets: The Producer is responsible for the design, production and distribution of tickets. This includes: monitoring ticket sales, collecting money, and remitting it to the Treasurer.
" Publicity and Marketing: The Producer is responsible for the production and distribution of all advertising material, and other promotions such as raffles or other contests. The Producer is responsible for the design, production and distribution of posters.
" DCP Website The Producer communicates with the DCP Webmaster for advertisement of the production

" Financial report The Producer prepares a final financial report for presentation to the Executive Committee.
" Documentation to logistics committee The Producer ensures that a copy of a Production poster and other related archival documents are handed to the logistics committee for inventory and historical purposes.

" The budget
ARTICLE 10 of DCPs_Constitution: Amendments to bylaws

These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special General meeting by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting, provided previous notice shall have been given in the call for meeting.
Appendix I of [[DCP Constitution]]: Structure and Roles For Theatrical_Productions (APPROVED 2007, REVISED NOV 2008)

    Table of Content





Lighting and Sound

Publicity and marketing


Departments chart
(Not available in the Wiki, see written version of the constitution)
Individual roles Chart
(Not available in the Wiki, see written version of the constitution)
Appx 1 Part1:  INTRODUCTION to Appendix I to DCP's Constitution

This document is an attempt to clarify the who does what parts of mounting a production at Dundas County Players. It is hoped that with the structure presented in this document, future productions can be easily mounted, thus making the entire process more enjoyable for all involved.
This document is divided into three parts. The first describes the structure and function of the theatrical production departments, the second details individual roles of key positions, and the third is a diagram of the structure.
Appx 1 Part 2: OVERVIEW of Appendix 1 to DCP's Constitution

Generally, the departments are tasked with the actual creation of the play (sets, costumes, etc) whereas the individual roles hold the accountability for the completion of various tasks. It is important that responsibility for completion of tasks falls to named individual roles. This way, we are not left looking at each other while important deadlines pass by.
Note: This document refers to individuals using the male gender. Any place where the male gender pronouns are used (he, him, his), it is assumed that either gender applies.

The majority of the actual work on a production is done through the theatrical production departments. Each department consists of a department manager and as many other people as the department manager deems necessary. It is the managers responsibility to fill all roles within his department.
It may seem that there are quite a few departments in the theatrical production. Each department is a working group with a specific and unique set of tasks. Under the direction of a department manager, the members of the department work together to complete the mandated tasks.
The department manager may confer with his members for ideas and suggestions, but the responsibility for making decisions rests solely with the department manager.
In order to fulfill the departments requirements, avoid burn-out, and still have fun, it is recommended that each person involved in the production choose only one department to work in and only one role.
Appx 1 Part 4 of the DCP Constitution:  PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE

Per Article 8 in the DCP Bylaws and Constitution, the production management committee is made up of: the Producer, Director, Assistant Director, Stage Manager, Props Manager, and Light and Sound Manager(s). All of the major production decisions are made by this group. Other members of the production may be invited to attend production management committee meetings as needed.
The Management Committee is chaired by the Producer. It gives its members a forum for communicating information which affects the production as a whole. This committee is the Producers forum to ensure that goals, objectives and timelines are being met.

A theatrical production requires three major components; a vision, that is an interpretation of a script by a director; the successful rendition of the vision by the production team, and the performance itself.

Vision / Direction
This component includes the following departments
" Sets
" Props
" Light and sound
" Costumes and makeup
" Stage

This component includes the following departments
" Publicity & Marketing
" Budget/finance
" Front-of-house

Although this component does not require any departments as such, it does stage the relationship between cast, audience and crew.

This department is charged with transforming the productions venue from an empty room into a setting for the play. Such setting comprises a number of backdrops, flats and fixed properties, including furniture, appliances and decorative accessories. The manager of this department is usually a set designer who works closely with the Director and Producer to design and supervise the construction of a set that is effective for the play and manageable from a lighting, props and actor movement perspective. The set designer also works with the Producer to ensure that the set is within budget.

The props manager, is responsible for acquiring all required props for the production. Just like the set, the props must be in keeping with the Directors vision of the performance and must be manageable by the actors and stage crew. Props include everything on the set that is moveable and is used or carried on stage by actors. The props manager may acquire any onhand
props from the Props Master of DCP.

Lighting and Sound
The Lighting and Sound departments specialize in all things electric. The lighting and sound managers are the productions special effects team. The lighting manager designs the lighting in conjunction with the Director. The Sound Manager designs and compiles the sound effects in conjunction with the Directory. They also rig all of the lighting and sound equipment for the show and operate it under the direction of the Stage Manager during the production.

This department works closely with the Director to dress the actors in costumes which reflect the setting and fit the characters. The costume manager/designer is responsible for costume design, procurement, and inventory management during a production. This department may be called upon during the performances to be dressers for the actors.  The Costume Designer works in conjunction with the Director to develop the general theme for the costumes and ensures that the costumes being used are in keeping with the theme. The Costume Designer/manager works closely with the in-house Wardrobe Mistress to obtain desired costumes on hand.

A makeup department will be formed at the discretion of the Director. If the play calls for only street makeup, a makeup department is not needed. If specialized makeup is required, the Director may choose to make use of a makeup department at which time he assigns a manager. The manager of the makeup department is responsible to work with the Director to design the appropriate makeup applications that will be required for the performance.

There are two people in charge of getting a play from the printed page to the stage. The Director is one, and the stage manager is the other. The Director is responsible for everything, but his focus is primarily on the artistic side of the production.  The practical side is the responsibility of the stage manager.  The stage manager controls the call to actors for rehearsals. During production, he cues the light and sound booth, and ensures actors are cued. The stage manager is also responsible for making sure actors have their props, and for cleaning and resetting the set after the performance. This department reports to the director.  This department is also responsible for the dressing and changing of all sets/scenes during the performances. This is usually handled through the use of a stage crew.

Publicity and Marketing
This department is responsible for promoting the play to ensure that the public is aware of production dates and times and to ensure that ticket sales are maximized through creative strategies. The manager works with the Producer to determine the strategy for promoting the production. This department reports to the Producer.

This department is responsible to secure approval of the budget from the Executive Committee. The department also ensures that all actual expenditures and income are tracked to the budget and reported to the Executive Committee. This department is managed by the Producer.

The front-of-house department is responsible for all activities in all the public space of the theatre, which includes:
" Preparing theatre and hall:
o Cleaning all areas
o Calling Township about bathroom supplies, and garbage disposal

" Ensuring care and comfort of audience:
o Greeting people
o Ensure a plan for people with special needs

" Selling tickets and receiving payment
" Handing out programs
" Running the caf�
" Selling souvenirs
" Handing over to the Producer all monies received at the end of each performance
This department reports to the Producer. The manager of this department works with the Producer to determine the theme for the caf�.
Appx 1 part 8 of the DCP Constitution:  INDIVIDUAL ROLES

Appx 1 Part 8 Item B:  DIRECTOR

The Director is the keeper of the productions vision. He must build a vision of how the performance is supposed to be interpreted and mold the actors, sets, costumes, etc. to fit that vision.  A Directors first concern is the direction of the cast. All of the Direction departments report to the Director resulting in the Director having both creative and administrative roles. The Director should rely on both his Assistant Director and Department Managers to relieve him of some of the day-to-day responsibilities. This will allow the Director to have the overall responsibility for decisions made by each of his departments, but to leave the execution of the tasks to the managers and the Assistant Director.

Reports to
" Dundas County Players Executive Committee
" The Producer

" Advertise, schedule, and attend auditions
" Assemble the cast
" Interpret the play and maintain the authors original intention; articulate the plot and characters to the cast; describe the setting; describe lighting and sound needs to the light and sound department; described costume needs to the costume department
" Take observation notes during rehearsals for discussion with the actors
" Schedule rehearsals so that they may be used most effectively.
" Resolve any issues for the departments that they cannot resolve for themselves
" Provide guidance to all the Direction departments
" Should be present at every performance or delegated to Assistant Director if need be
" Liaise with the Stage manager during performances for any problem solving

" The cast
" The rehearsal schedule
" The overall artistic impression of the play

The Assistant Director is the directors right-hand man. The Assistant Director works closely with the Direction departments during their day-to-day activities. He ensures that the Directors instructions are carried out by the Direction departments. The role of Assistant Director provides good experience in order to become a Director.

Reports to
" The Director

" Assist the Director by working with the following department managers: Costumes and make-up, Props, Sets, and Lighting and Sound.
" Attend auditions, rehearsals and production meetings
" Fill in for Director when the director is absent, including being present during performances
" Assist the director in whatever directorial task the Director requests, for example: voice coaching, warm-up exercises, work with specific actors in specific scenes, etc.
" Always work under the Directors guidance

(In the case of any discrepancy between this Wiki version and the written version of this constitution, the later will take precedence.)
1- Official_Name
2- Mission_Statement and Objectives
3- Membership_and_Meetings
4- Membership_Dues
5- Executive_Committee
6- Executive Committee Functions_and_Roles
7- Standing_Committees
8- Theatrical_Productions
9- General_Finances
10- Amendments_and_By-laws
11- Other_Documents derived from these by-laws
Appendix_I Structure and Roles for Theatrical_Productions
DCP's website is at http://www.DCPlayers.ca
Our email is mailto:info@DCPlayers.ca
Appx 1 Part 8 Item D:  STAGE MANAGER

The Stage manager is responsible to ensure that the theatrical production is performed as the Director intended.
During rehearsals, the Stage Manager is responsible for such tasks as: scheduling, blocking, prompting and managing rehearsal props.
During a performance, the Stage Manager becomes responsible to ensure the smooth execution of the performance taking over from the director. At this point, it is deemed that the cast no longer requires direction, but that they require management to complete their performances.

Reports to
" Director during the rehearsals

Before the show
" Attend all rehearsals
" Set up rehearsal hall prior to each rehearsal
" Prompt the actors on their lines during rehearsal (possibly delegating to a prompter)
" Prepare and maintain blocking notes
" Note all lighting and sound cues
" Take production notes in rehearsal and pass them to the appropriate Direction department manager
" Attend all production meetings and take notes
" Ensure all required rehearsal props are obtained and available for rehearsal
" Decide on the number of Crew members needed during the performance and assign individual tasks, including prop management, prompting cast members entries and exits.

During the show
" Act as liaison between green room, tech booth and Director
" Indicate what sound, lighting and other effects cues happen and when.
" Ensure that cast are in place at curtain call and during performance
" Ensure that crew members are in place and fulfilling their tasks
" Coordinate scene changes

The Director-at-large shall inventory and maintain archival records and DCP administrative handbooks; and
shall act as chair of one of the Standing Committees as needed

The Assistant Stage manager works closely with the stage manager during rehearsals as well as during each performance. The role of Assistant manager provides a good learning experience in order to become Stage manager.

Reports to
" The Stage Manager

" Assist the Stage Manager in all his duties as assigned
" Fill in for the Stage Manager if he is absent
" Ensure costumes are in place for each show, especially for quick changes
" Take charge of scene changes
" Help prepare rehearsal hall
" Make sure stage is swept, mopped and preset for each performance
As of January 2012, the Executive_Committee is as follows:
[[President]]: Suzanne Steele
Vice_President: Tony Glen
Second_VP: Terry Green
[[Treasurer]]: Aaron Dellah
[[Sponsors and Patrons]]: Alvin Runnalls
Director_at_Large: Elizabeth Barton
Past_President: Jim Perkins 
[[Secretary]]: J P Leduc
As of January 2013, the Executive_Committee is as follows:
[[President]]: JP Leduc
Vice_President: Tony Glen
Second_VP: Moira Law
[[Treasurer]]:  Aaron Dellah
[[Sponsors and Patrons]]: Team of Caroline Roberts and Alvin Runnals
Director_at_Large: Terry Green
Past_President: Suzanne Steele
[[Secretary]]:  Team of Rachelle Eves and Shannon Murdock
Current play Director: Elizabeth Barton
As of January 2015, the Executive_Committee is as follows:
[[President]]: Roger Boake
Vice_President: Tony Glen
Second_VP: Rick Ventrella
[[Treasurer]]: JP Leduc
[[Patrons]]: Aaron Dellah (assisted by Caroline Roberts and Alvin Runnalls)
Director_at_Large: Bernadette Martin
Past_President: JP Leduc
[[Secretary]]: Anita Plunkett
Current show's Director: Gaenor Howe
As of January 2016, the Executive_Committee is as follows:
President: Tony Glen
Vice_President: Rick Ventrella
Second_VP: Mat Kelly
Treasurer: Aaron Dellah
Patrons: Caroline Roberts
Director_at_Large: Bernadette Martin
Past_President: Roger Boake
Secretary: JP Leduc
As of January 2017, the Executive_Committee is as follows:
President: Tony Glen
Vice_President: James Perkins
Second_VP: Mat Kelly
Treasurer: Aaron Dellah
Patrons' Coordinator: Caroline Roberts (with Suzanne Steele and Lynn Jolicoeur)
Producer_at_Large: Bernadette Martin
Secretary: JP Leduc
Current Play Director: Tony Glen
Current Stage Manager: Bev Bonner
ARTICLE 5 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Executive Committee

Section 1 The Executive_Committee of DCP shall be comprised of a [[President]], a First Vice_President, a Second_VP, a [[Treasurer]], a [[Secretary]], a [[Patrons]] coordinator, a Director_at_Large, and a Past_President.  The Executive Committee of DCP also includes the Director, Producer and Stage Manager of the current production, from the time of auditions to, and including, the day after the striking of the set. 

Section 2 The Executive_Committee shall be elected at the annual meeting in December of each year and shall hold office for one year, and until their successors are elected.

Section 3 In the event of a vacancy in the Office of the [[President]], the First Vice_President shall fill the vacancy, and the Second_VP shall fill the vacancy of the First Vice_President.

Section 4 In the event of a vacancy other than of the [[President]], or First Vice_President, the Executive Committee will fill the vacancy by appointment.

Section 5 An Officer who has served more than half of the term of office shall be regarded as having served full term.

Section 6 The [[President]] and First Vice_President may stand for election for a second consecutive term, but not for a third consecutive term.

Section 7 The [[Treasurer]], the [[Secretary]], the Second VP, the Sponsors and Patrons Coordinator, and the Director_at_Large may stand for election for two consecutive years in the same position.  Extensions to these terms are permitted with a vote at a general meeting.

Section 8 The immediate Past_President who has served a full term as [[President]] shall be a member of the Executive_Committee with full voting privileges for the year ensuing.

Section 9 There will be no substitution for an immediate Past_President. If the Past_President resigns, that position will not be filled until the next election.
(See ARTICLE 6 for Functions_and_Roles of the members of the Executive_Committee)
Appx 1 Part 8 Item F:  ACTOR

From the audiences point of view, the focal point of the production is the actor. Their role is to bring the characters of the play to life by delivering a performance worthy of their talents and supportive to the rest of the cast. They are the most visible people in the production.

Reports to
" Director and Assistant Director
" Stage manager (during performances)

" Attend all assigned rehearsals and performances
" Learn all the lines and blocking
" Develop the character
" Accept direction and constructive criticism from the Director
" Occasionally assist with scene changes
" Take care of their costumes and hand props
" Build a positive relationship with their acting colleagues
ARTICLE 6 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Executive Committee Function and Roles

Section 1 Role of the Executive_Committee

The Executive_Committee shall make all decisions relating to the functioning of the day-to-day operations of DCP on behalf of the members.  These decisions include:
�Formation of committees
�Appointment of committee members
�Disbursement/allocation of general and production funds
�Choice of plays for a 2-year season, based on recommendations from the Reading Committee
�Choice of venue
�Appointment of Production Directors
�Approval of production budget in consultation with Production Director and Producer
�Appointment of Producer
�Dismissal of Production Director, and/or of Producer
�Cancellation of production as deemed necessary, e.g inability to appoint director or producer
�Dismissal of a member of the Executive Committee (requires 2/3 majority)
�Filling of vacant Executive Committee positions as outlined in ARTICLE 5.
�Appointment to the Old Town Hall Art and Heritage Committee of a DCP representative
�Oversight of all productions
�Assurance that the website information is current
. Appointment of an auditor at the first meeting of the executive committee after elections, either a member of the executive, a member of DCP or an external auditor, to audit the books of DCP. 

Section 2 Job Description of each member of the Executive_Committee

He and she are interchangeable and do not refer of the person holding office.
The members of the Executive Committee shall obey the Constitution and Bylaws and be thoroughly familiar with these laws as well as the rules of parliamentary Law and Procedure.
�First Vice_President
�[[Sponsors and Patrons]] (SAP) Coordinator

Section 3 Quorum, and voting for Executive Committee

Attendance of five (5) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. In the event of a loss of quorum, the meeting will be cancelled or postponed.  All members of the executive, including the Past President have the right to vote. The only exception is the President, who shall vote only in the case of a tie.
When in need of an immediate decision on a motion, and given that a meeting cannot be convened in due time, voting by email
is hereby authorized and the Executive Committee is hereby empowered to prescribe appropriate procedure therefore.

Section 4 Dismissal of Executive_Committee member

A Cause for dismissal includes:
Absence from three (3) consecutive scheduled meetings of the Executive Committee or of a Standing Committee without a reason acceptable to the members of said committee.
Behavior unacceptable to 2/3 of membership
Not fulfilling the members duties in Article 3, Section 4 or the responsibilities of their designated office.
ARTICLE 9 of [[DCP Constitution]]: General Finances

Section 1 The Treasurer will maintain the books for DCP. There will be three (3) signing Officers with any two signing a cheque. The Three Officers authorized to sign cheques are the Treasurer and two others appointed by the executive committee, with the caveat that they should not be significant others/related to either of the other two. These Officers will also be responsible for signing the rental agreement and other legal documents.

Section 2 DCP books must be audited by the Second_VP at calendar year-end before the new Administration takes office.

Section 3 All outstanding bills, accompanied by a receipt, must be submitted before the audit and the new Administration takes office.

Section 4 Capital and operational purchases can be approved by the Executive_Committee to a limit of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per year. Once that total is exceeded, expenses must be approved by the general membership.
Any purchases above one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars must be authorized by the general membership before purchase.
Budgets for plays will only be finalized and approved by the Executive_Committee after the executive has received
confirmation of Rights to the play in question by the Producer of the said production.

Section 5 The Executive_Committee is authorized to represent DCP in all matters relating to the Art Centre.
This file contains the [[DCP Constitution]], roles of Theatrical_Productions and functions of the members of the Executive_Committee, as of January. 

Our website is at [[DCPlayers.ca]]

We are also a group on Facebook.

For inquiries, suggestions and corrections email us at mailto:info@DCPlayers.ca
JP Leduc
Executive Committee Secretary and Webmaster for DCP
[[DCP Constitution]]
[[Executive Ctee 2017]]

ARTICLE 4 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Membership dues

The annual dues for each member of the Dundas County players (DCP) will be levied at: $10.00 per person of 18 years of age or older, payable to the Society by January 31 of each year. Members who do not pay will be deemed as members in poor standing and will not be able to vote at General meetings or participate in any production, excluding Cabarets and childrens workshops until such dues are paid in full. Also, in the case of a person on the Executive_Committee, if that person has not paid dues, they will lose the right to vote on the Executive_Committee until such dues are paid.
ARTICLE 3 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Membership and Meetings

Section 1 DCP is a not-for-profit organization funded through membership dues and fund raising initiatives, opened to all individuals regardless of all other affiliations and who become members in 
good standing upon payment of the annual dues as set out in ARTICLE 4 (Membership_Dues)

Section 2 Meetings held by DCP are run under Demeters Manual of Parliamentary Law and require a majority of 50% plus 1 of the members present to pass a motion.

Section 3 The Executive_Committee will hold a minimum of 8 meetings per calendar year. General meetings will be held at least twice per calendar year with the Annual meeting to be held no later than January 31 each year for the purpose of election of the Executive_Committee. A minimum of 2-weeks notice shall be given to members for Call to general meetings.

Section 4 All members will abide by the rules as set out in the Constitution and Bylaws of DCP. Failure to abide by these rules may result in termination of membership. Expulsion of any member can occur through a secret ballot vote of the membership and requires a 2/3 majority to carry.

Section 5 Members may attend Executive_Committee meetings to make presentations or as observers with prior notification to the Executive. Members cannot vote at the Executive_Committee meetings.

Section 6 Members may participate in meetings, may volunteer in the activities of the Organization, recommend plays to the Reading Committee, and recommend new members, thus helping to promote the organizations growth and extend its creative influence. Adult members shall be voting members.
ARTICLE 2 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Mission Statement and objectives


To foster amateur theatre and promote interest in the drama arts and the related arts in Dundas County and surrounding areas.


To produce a minimum of two (2) major theatrical productions per year
To support art and heritage outreach activities
To support community not-for-profit and non-profit organizations
To promote youth drama activities
ARTICLE 1 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Name

Dundas County Players Theatre Society (also known as DCP)
ARTICLE 11 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Other documents derived from these bylaws

�Appendix 1: Dundas County Players Job Descriptions for Theatrical_Productions (currently in review)
�Producers_Book (currently in review)
�Stage_Managers book (currently in review)
�Terms of reference of the following standing committees
Past President

The past-president shall act as a mentor to the newly elected President to facilitate his entry into office. He
shall advise the President on the role and responsibility of DCP in light of the ongoing projects. He shall act
as chair of one of the Standing Committees as needed
The Patrons Coordinator shall solicit and maintain continuous support from patrons.
The President shall chair all meetings of the DCP and of the Executive. He shall appoint the Chairperson of each Committee. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees.
Second Vice-president

The Second Vice-president shall assume and perform the duties of the First Vice_President in the absence
of the First Vice-president. In the event of the resignation of the First Vice-president, he shall become First
Vice-president until a new First Vice-president is elected at the next General meeting to be called by the Executive.

The Secretary shall keep accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the members and Executive. He/She
shall keep a full and up-to-date roster of all members, shall call the roll of Officers and members when so
required, and shall assist the [[President]] in preparation of the order of business for each meeting. She is responsible for
processing all incoming correspondence and drafting outgoing correspondence. The secretary is responsible to ensure that
all members are notified of meetings. The secretary shall notify the Webmaster of dates of coming events and of current
Executive_Committee roster.

He/She advises DCP members, patrons and audience members of upcoming events.
At the request of the play Producer or Director:
o Contacting members to advising them of upcoming auditions or productions
o Contacting members to seek volunteers to assist with productions
o Contacting audience members to advise them of upcoming events
Soliciting audience members to sign-up for the DCP audience contact list
Keeping the DCP audience contact list up to date
The constitution of Dundas County Players and the roles of everyone in a production.
DCP Roles
ARTICLE 7 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Standing Committees

Section 1 There shall be the following standing committees: Logistics Committee, and Reading Committee

Section 2 The members of a standing committee shall be approved by the Executive Committee. The official Chair of a standing Committee shall be decided within the members of the said committee.

Section 3 Standing Committees shall be composed of three (3) to five (5) members in good standing, as necessary to fulfill the assigned mandate. A member of the Executive Committee, shall act as Chair until such time as one is chosen as outlined in section 2 above.

Section 4 Standing Committees shall report to the Executive Committee at the designated time in their terms of reference.

Section 5 To ensure continuity, Standing Committee members may hold office for two (2) or more years.

Section 6 All decisions of a standing Committee shall be by consensus or by majority vote. A vacancy in any standing Committee shall be filled immediately by the Executive Committee.

Section 7 All standing Committees shall abide by their terms of reference.

Section 8 Reading Committee
The Reading committee reads and recommends plays for the major productions of DCP to fulfill the two-year-season mandate

Section 9 Logistics Committee
The Logistics Committee obtains, maintains and inventories DCP supplies and equipment necessary to present theatrical productions.
ARTICLE 8 of [[DCP Constitution]]: Theatrical Productions

Section 1 Management Committee for Theatrical Productions
Decisions concerning Theatrical productions, at the exception of budget approval, shall be taken by the Production Management Committee composed of the following Key positions:
Director, Assistant Director, Producer, Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Light and Sound Manager and Props Manager.
Key Positions are to operate according to the guidelines of Job Descriptions for Theatrical Productions. (See Appendix_I)

Section 2 The Producer or Director shall present to the Executive_Committee, a pre-production and post-production reports as well as a regular progress report of the Production-in-making.

Section 3. All cast and crew must sign an accident waiver form at the first rehearsal.

The treasurer shall be responsible for the accounting of DCP funds. He shall deposit the money in the bank,
and pay all bills. The Treasurer shall supply a written report at each meeting and present an annual report at
the annual meeting.
First Vice-president

The First Vice-president shall assume and perform the duties of the [[President]] in the absence of the
President. In the event of the resignation of the President she shall become president until a new President is
elected at the next General meeting to be called by the Executive.